Caregiver Support

Creating a Calming Haven: Transforming Your Space for Someone with Dementia

For someone living with dementia, the familiar and comfortable environment becomes even more crucial. Yet, their world can feel overwhelming due to sensory overload and confusion. But fear not! By implementing a few simple changes, you can transform your home into a calming haven that promotes safety, well-being, and a sense of peace.

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Hush […]

Caregiver Support, Resources|

Navigating the Maze: Understanding Mixed Dementia, Biomarkers, and Mild Cognitive Impairment

The journey through cognitive decline can be bewildering, filled with unfamiliar terms and daunting diagnoses. While Alzheimer’s disease is often at the forefront of conversations, mixed dementia paints a more complex picture. In this blog post, we’ll delve into understanding this condition, explore the exciting realm of biomarkers, and shed light on mild cognitive impairment (MCI).

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Mixed Dementia: When Two Worlds Collide Imagine dementia as a […]

Caregiver Support, Resources|

3 Simple Steps to Prevent Injuries from Falls and Keep Your Loved Ones Safe at Home

Falls are a leading cause of injury for older adults, especially those receiving in-home care. But fear not! By implementing some simple yet effective strategies, you can significantly reduce the risk of falls and keep your loved ones safe and sound in their own homes.

At Special Touch Home Care, we’re passionate about helping families achieve peace of mind when it comes to their loved ones’ well-being. That’s why we’ve compiled these three key tips to prevent fractures and injuries related to falls:

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Caregiver Support, Resources|

Financial Planning for Caregivers: A Guide to Securing Your Future

Caregiving is a selfless act of love and devotion. However, it can also be a financially demanding responsibility. Between medical expenses, assisted living costs, and lost wages, caregiving can quickly drain your savings and leave you feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

The good news is that there are steps you can take to protect your financial future while providing the best possible care for your loved one. With careful planning and guidance, you can secure your financial well-being while ensuring that your loved one has the support they need.

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Ways to Keep Seniors Safe in the Fall Season

What is the CDPAP Program?

The CDPAP program, or Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program, is a New York State Medicaid program that allows people with disabilities and seniors to choose and manage their own home care providers. This means that you can choose your own family members, friends, or neighbors to provide your care, and you can set your own hours and schedules.

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Caregiver Support, Resources|

Quick Guide: What to Do if an Older Adult Falls

For caretakers and older adults, the risk of falling can be scary but, unfortunately, very common. According to the CDC, one out of four adults in the United States will fall yearly. These falls can be dangerous because one out of every five falls causes an injury, such as broken bones or a head injury. 

No matter how much we do not want falls to take place,  since they are so common, knowing what to do when a fall happens and how to prevent further injury is essential.

Here are […]

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