Why CDPAP Is The Best Option for Your Aging Loved One

Jun 16, 2020

There are more than 54 million seniors currently living in the United States of America, with the population seeing a steady increase over the last decade.

Many people will require some form of care once they move beyond their ability to take care of themselves fully. Studies have shown that seniors prefer to continue living in their homes rather than in a senior community or nursing facility. Because of this, home care needs to be considered a possibility when making long-term plans.

There are a lot of options. Many of them, you may know about already. But, there is one that you might not be aware of.

The Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) is a Medicaid-supported option that puts the right to choose directly in your own hands. Someone who qualifies under the terms of the program can select a trusted friend or family member to provide their home care services. Even better: the caregiver needs no prior experience and will be paid for their work.

senior couple dancing in the living room

Freedom to Choose

One of the most notable benefits of CDPAP is that seniors can choose who will provide their care. For those who may not feel comfortable meeting – or living with – someone new, the ability to select a trusted friend or family member as an aide is indispensable.

A bond will develop between any patient and caregiver, but if that bond is already present, the transition to care will be much more straightforward and stress-free.

More Autonomy

Traditional health aides are wonderful, but an agency manages them. In this arrangement, some patients may feel they lack control of their situation.

Under CDPAP, the patient not only chooses the caregiver but the services they need as well. And the caregiver is theirs – attending to no other patients and having no other schedule.

Is a change necessary? That is in the hands of the patient as well.

Options for Family Caregivers

When a senior is sick or unable to care for themself, other family members will come to their aid. This is done without any form of payment or reimbursement but may cost them time from their job (or possibly even the ability to find employment at all). CDPAP eliminates that financial concern by providing payment for their efforts.

What’s the catch?

This may sound too good to be true, but it is real, and many people are already taking advantage of the program. The catch is in the set-up: like any other program, there’s paperwork. Forms are to be submitted, and evaluations are to be scheduled. It can feel daunting to get the ball rolling.

That’s where home health agencies come in. Those elected to support the CDPAP program, like Special Touch, will guide you through the process and manage your interactions with Medicaid. Nothing will be overlooked, and you’ll be up and running quickly.

If you’d like to get started, fill out the form below. The help you need is ready and waiting.

couple embracing after receiving in-home care and cdpap


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